New Month, New Things.
Well Hello, I didn't see you there. I just w anted to write about a new month, and new things. You m ay h ave not re ad my blog about Finding God Community . But, a situ ation h appened and as of right now I will not be writing there anymore. So, my Worship S aturd ay Post will be posted here, on this website. Now, I just w anted to t alk about some ch anges, th at will be h appening. and some not yet to be announced things. First thing th at is not announced yet. My New album. Yes, I am working on a New album, and I will s ay th at some Chris Tomlin songs are on there, and some M att Redm an songs. I will also s ay th at "Yes You are" by D ari an H allid ay and Elise Johnson will be on there. You m ay also be wondering about Elise, on how she is doing. To be truthful, I don't know. L ast I he ard she w as in Fr ance. a...