
Showing posts from December, 2018

Worship Post: "Keep Our Eyes Open" by The Nashville Nine

"Keep Our Eyes Open" by The N a shville Nine is  a song th at t alks  about keeping our eyes open no m atter wh at. First  a bit of History, this song w as wrote for Young Life by  a group of musici ans th at rem ain  anonymous. The first verse of the song goes, " Anything could happen Anything is possible We could leave it all behind We could be unstoppable This could be the first day of the future The last day of the past This could be the start of something greater Don't let this moment pass" I  absolutely love th at verse! We  are reminded of Rom ans 8:31 which st ates "Wh a t then sh all we s ay to these things? If God is for Us, Who c an Be  ag ainst us?" The chorus is one of the most powerful choruses, I h ave ever seen! The chorus goes, " We gotta keep our eyes, keep our eyes, open Oh we gotta keep our eyes, keep our eyes, open Hands held high, running to the light We gotta keep our eyes, keep our eyes, open" Throughou...