
Showing posts from April, 2019

My Living Testimony

For those who don't know me, they m ay not know th at I  am  a living Mir acle of God. I w as born in Ch amp aign, IL.  and right from birth I h ad he alth problems. Whenever I w as 2, I h ad two hole's in my he art, I would've needed two surgeries, but one of the hole's mir aculously he aled up. I only needed one surgery.  My Gr andmother smoked most of her life,  and I got  asthm a/bre athing problems due to her smoking. I h ave been mir aculously he aled of the  asthm a/bre athing problems  and h aven't h ad  an  asthm a  att ack in 4+ ye ars. I w as born in  a violent community th at did not know Jesus. I somewh at grew up in church, but usu ally only went on speci al events. I w as introduced to Little G alilee Christi an C amp  and th at ch anged my life. I got b aptized out  at Little G alilee,  and then out there w as the first time I ever performed worship songs in front of people. My story does ...